Friday, February 24, 2006

The Chickasha Envelope
Upstairs in the Bennett-Martin library, towards the back, the oversized adult non-fiction and biographies are stacked. This was the pick-up spot. The email said to look for an envelope in BR498B. The book was about Anna Cora Mowatt and it sat right next to Robert L. Ripley's bio. On the inside flap of Anna's book it reads, "...her life was an unexampled public triumph and a profound private tragedy."

Inside the envelope was a ballpoint pen sketch with a small map, a photo of her (?), and instructions. ArtsPreserve is doing exactly what she wanted with what she provided.

There was a list written on the other side of the sketch/map. These are the six things she wrote: "1. I sold my motorcycle for an old pottery wheel, some clay and tools; 2. I sold guns and ammo at Cabela's ; 3. I designed the window displays for a major clothing store; 4. I want to be known as Chickasha; 5. Look into letterboxing; 6. This is strangely helpful for me right now."

"Sometime on Saturday, February 25th, I'll put the other envelope in book number BT3755P. It's a Jim Thompson bio. It's for a stranger to find."

That's all the information she provided.

The only thing left is for someone to find it. Nothing was said about what to do after her envelope is found. So, if you're the stranger to discover it and want to share the artwork she put inside the envelope contact ArtsPreserve.