Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Timothy leaves
monitor day-length,
signaling the plant
to regrow
fall roots
and new
growing points
for the next year."
"Although Timothy has been an important crop and large quantities of seed are bought and sold as yet no varieties have been developed. Timothy plants show marked variation in size, vigor, character of foliage and resistance to drought. It has adapted to a wide range of soils but does best under cool, moist conditions. Improvement of the crop for special purposes can be made by the selection and propagation of desirable plants. Several of the experiment stations have made progress along this line and have already developed strains of Timothy that have outyieled that secured from commercial seed by as much as one ton per acre. The market calls for bright, clean Timothy, free from weeds and various grasses."

Oxbow Hay's 2006 Poetry Contest Winners
Timothy Schaffert
Oxbow Hay in Murdock, Nebr.
Omaha Lit Fest
Hay pictures
Timothy~Poaceae Phleum Pratense