Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005

"I have a bathroom stall for privacy. I don't care if a transvestite is in the stall next to me. I know there are urinals in most men's rooms, but many of them have at least 1 stall also that the transvestite could use and no one would ever know the difference if he looked like a man. You know? Hard to be uncomfortable or embarrased by a transvestite if you don't know they ARE one."
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
from Western Nebraska

Sadie is pictured above with her husband
(a claw machine)
(more claw machines)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Suddenly I realised that it was nigh on impossible for a youth subculture to flourish unmolested by a posse of journalists still in thrall to the "cool" boys who smoked and answered back. Any flowering of creativity would be reported, analysed and deconstructed within an inch of its life by a cultural studies grad wanting to carve a name in the burgeoning field of style media." ~Grayson Perry from The Times Online
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"How many of us have hit a deer with our car? Out here in lovely little Nebraska, it's suprising the number of people who voiced yes. And even more suprising is the number of people who can say that they've hit more than one deer, and sometimes with the same vehicle. 'What all this on about deer?' you may ask. The other day while driving a friend of mine out to another friend of mine's house in the country I was telling her all about the time after hanging out in Lincoln, and dropping my friend off at her house in the country that a deer came out of the cornfield deciding to attack my mother's van. I hit it on the left side, broke the headlight and smashed up the radiator, and bambie went flying into the ditch and started thrashing around...the deer made good jerky, my daddy came and got it and smoked it up. Well back to telling my friend about the deer on the ride to my other friends house. Exactly when I said that another deer, all-of-a-sudden-like come up and sideswipe my van. If it didn't stop, and pull a hard left on the gravel I would have killed it. Now my friend was totally oblivious to my almost hitting another deer that I through the van in reverse to go show her the deer. But low in behold the deer was behind my van! And I hit the fucking deer! With my fucking van! Same van as before! Isn't that kewl!"
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005

From Rebecca Allen at the North Platte Telegraph:
"North Platte now has a rap artist of its own to listen to and enjoy, with the release of "Boss Status" by Justin Place, also known as "Da Profit." The CD lives up to its name. With a rhythm and a bass to boot, the rap artist gives his all in his first album. From beginning to end the album continues to thump in your head. Bass boxes will get a workout from this album.
Place, 20, moved here five years ago from Sacramento. He attended North Platte High School. On Nov. 4, 2005, "Boss Status" became available for purchase at the Smoker Outlet at Jeffers and Rodeo Road for $5.
"My inspiration for making a rap album was the fact that no one else was doing it in North Platte," Place said.
The album was made at his home. Place said "it took a lot of time and cutting in two months." Most of the album was recorded here in North Platte at Place's home, with the help of his brother. The computer was set up in the kitchen as he rapped in the closet. "Sounds better than being in a sound-proof booth."
Friday, December 02, 2005

The professor of political science at the University of Nebraska at Omaha Wally M. Bacon has transformed into W. Meredith Bacon.
Chuckwagon Show debuts at the Double D just north of Ashland, Nebraska with the Double D Wranglers