ArtsPreserve's random and real weblogs:They saw that tree kickin' my ass
"Well, I raked over half the yard. 8 HUGE piles of leaves....for half that bitch....grrr....and I forgot lawn bags at the the piles will be there until tomorrow :( I had this feeling I was being watched out there...I was. The people across the street and others down and across one....both....nosey bastards. They always do that. The day that I was trimming the spruce tree....working my ass off. the guy comes out and says "good job, took alot of work huh ?" So I'm like " yeah been out here for abut an hour." His reply : " yeah we know...we were watchin' ya." Well thanks for the help asshole ! Not only that .....that means they saw that tree kickin' my ass....branches smacking my in the face...and then the crackhead squirrel chasing me off...... twice.
While I was out raking..."A" was asleep, and the dog.............he got a diaper...a wet one, the soggy, stinky overnight one, and strung it all through the fuckin' house. Bastard. It reeked of urine in here, and everywhere I stepped it was wet...ugghhhh. He was pissed at me cuz he wanted to fight with the rake and I made him stay in. Also, his hormones were raging, someone down the street walked by with a girl boxer a month older than him, so I took him out to meet her. It was humpfest, they were fighting over who was gonna be on top. The girl boxer was trying to dominate lmao.....gross but funny ! Seems that now we have a boxer and the rest of the neighborhood does too ! It's like when you have your kids and you think "hey this name is original" then the next thing you know...every other kid in their kindergarten class has the same damn name. That's why nicknames rule at my house. The kids have about 3 each, and the dog about 9. Not including the four letter words we call him lol. Really I do love him, but he pisses me off to no end. So since my sis and family are coming I need to shampoo again, I just did it dammit ! Thank God for Febreze air spray it smells better in here !
The reason I started raking ? Hell if I know...I'm retarded. I get a hair up my ass and say "what project can I start today....that will take AN ETERNITY and tons of energy to finish ?" Sometimes it's simple...clean the metaphors ( windows) lol....or other times it's not... paint the house...clean and detail the cars, inside and out making the tires and wheels shine, and the black stuff around all the windows and the running boards nice and shiny too. I'm bored now that I'm all decorated for halloween, and I've decorated a gigantic grocerys tore for what do I do ? Well, I get on here and blog, then read other blogs, then play games...but then I'm bored again....I wanna go shopping......"