"I poisoned some more moles today and Barbara sat two traps for them. It was a nice day for walking but I raked up leaves under the big tree instead. I feel the amount of exercise is about the same. It was cool, the temperature was 33 outside this morning when I took the little one out for his first poop stop of the day. Barbara went into town to see Bill. He has not been feeling well because of the people who have been hypnotizing him off and on for the past few days. Barbara and Caren both have talked to him about that and explained that that really is not happening but he fails to accept it. Evidently his medicine is not working the same as before or he is not taking it regularly.
I had a one hour nap. When I awoke there was a note from Barb telling me she has gone to City Hall so I fixed myself a tuna sandwich and turned on the TV to watch the news."